Save Tabs for Later
1000 and 1 recipes of Toast Made for creative professionals to solve daily tasks
Nothing is perfect Time to upgrade over the good. Take a look*
*But if you don’t like: Cloud Services, Minimalistic Design, Fremium Model

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Trusted by teams around the world Collaboration in browser is simple as a team lunch

Try Toast today. It's Free

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Save Tabs for Later Download Toast
1000 and 1 recipes of Toast Made for creative professionals to solve daily tasks

Manage tabs in browser

I tend to easily accumulate a lot of tabs. With Toast I can save them with relation to tasks or topics... so I don't have to keep them open.

illustration Addie L. Designer

Store links

I use Toast mainly for tracking links for work as I do a LOT of research.

illustration Ricardo S. Researcher
Founders, PMs and others

Move tabs between browsers

Safari has the best reading mode, but Chrome has way more extensions. With Toast real-time tabs sync I'm not bound to any browser anymore. And I can see my tabs even on mobile.

illustration Elizabeth McC. Writer

Reference later

As a programmer, I save all of the StackOverflow answers I use in case I need to go back and check or reference one later.

illustration Edward D. Developer
Founders, PMs and others

Send a bunch of links as one link

I'm a film editor and I often share a mood board or multiple example videos URLs with my team. Now I send a Toast folder with all my findings.

illustration Gary McC. Film Editor

Prepare and focus on a task

Toast helps me manage browser tabs based on what I'm doing (e.g.: work, home, fitness, reading, etc). I can easily switch the context to get the most done.

illustration Matthew Q. Startup Founder

Simplify daily routine

I open the same tabs over and over, every single day (sounds fun right?). At least with Toast it's a 1 click no-brainer.

illustration Catherine N. PM

Collaborate on university projects

We have a few university projects going on. In our group everyone adds their new findings to a shared Toast folder. So we can all be on the same page.

illustration Alexandra T. Student
Nothing is perfect Time to upgrade over the good. Take a look*

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OneTab with links synchronization across browsers

Save, open and edit links on one computer or browser and continue work on another one or in the Toast web app.


Session Buddy with team collaboration

Collaboration with other users via Toast. Invite user into your folder to save links together.


Toby with Safari version

Toast provides seamless experience for Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera


Raindrop with real time tabs synchronization

All open tabs across all your browsers with Toast extension are synchronized in real-time.

Trusted by teams around the world Collaboration in browser is simple as a team lunch
illustration illustration

Try Toast today. It's Free

Anyone can be organized

When I open a lot of tabs in browser during work

my computer goes flying,
not with Toast anymore!

Gabriel F. Project Manager

Toast Web App


Toast Browser Extension


Toast Web App for Mobile
